30705 documents matched the search for Anna Jasmin Pahl in authors.
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Cross-Cultural Competence in Real Estate Studies - The Benefits of International Student Competitions for Success in Management, Leadership, and Decision Making, Dieter Rebitzer and Anna Jasmin Pahl,
from European Real Estate Society (ERES)
Keywords: International Culture; International Management; International Property Markets; Management and Leadership; Real Estate Education
Is the push by female employees for family-friendly practices context-dependent? Comparative evidence from Sweden, Poland and Germany, Jasmin Joecks, Anna Kurowska and Kerstin Pull,
in Journal of Business Research
Keywords: Employer policy; Day care services; Flextime; Care regime; Female employment;
Reena Marwah and Sanika Sulochani Ramanayake, China’s Economic Footprint in South and Southeast Asia: A Futuristic Perspective—Case Studies of Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Thailand. World Scientific, 2021, 356 pp., US$ 108, ISBN-10: 9811236372 (hardcover), ISBN-13: 9789811236396 (e-book), Jasmin,
in Journal of Asian Economic Integration
Do Corporate Governance Motives Drive Hedge Fund and Private Equity Fund Activities?, Ann†Kristin Achleitner, André Betzer and Jasmin Gider,
in European Financial Management
Künstliche Intelligenz in der hausärztlichen Versorgung, Jasmin Hennrich, Anna L. Kauffmann, Christoph Buck and Torsten Eymann,
from Springer
Künstliche Intelligenz in der Radiologie und Strahlentherapie aus der Perspektive von Ärzten und Medizinphysikexperten – Eine Interviewstudie, Anna L. Kauffmann, Jasmin Hennrich, Christoph Buck and Torsten Eymann,
from Springer
Künstliche Intelligenz Technologie in der Radiologie: Eine systematische Überprüfung von KI-Anwendungsfällen, Anna Lina Wolf, Jasmin Hennrich and Christoph Buck,
from Springer
Behaviour Analysis for Web-Mediated Active Learning, Claus Pahl,
in International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies (IJWLTT)
The Life and Times of a Learning Technology System: The Impact of Change and Evolution, Claus Pahl,
in International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies (IJWLTT)
Book Review: Working Hard and Making Do, Ray Pahl,
in Sociological Research Online
Book Review: The Sociology of Cities by J. Sirjamaki, Random House, 1964, pp. 328, $5.25 The Urban Process: Cities in Industrial Societies by L. Reissman, Free Press of Glencoe, 1964, pp. 255, R.E. Pahl,
in Urban Studies
Book Review: Urban Development in Southern Europe: Spain and Portugal by E. A. Gutkind, International History of City Development, Volume III, Collier-Macmillan, 1967, pp. 534, £10, R.E. Pahl,
in Urban Studies
Book Review: The Myth of the Machine: Technics and Human Development by Lewis Mumford, Seeker & Warburg, 1967, pp. 342, 50/-, Ray Pahl,
in Urban Studies
Book Review: Town Planning in its Social Context by G. E. CHERRY. London: Leonard Hill Books. 1970. pp. 181. £2·10, R.E. Pahl,
in Urban Studies
Book Review: Social Justice and the City by DAVID HARVEY. London: Arnold. 1973. pp. 336. £3·25, R.E. Pahl,
in Urban Studies
Book Review: Social Theory for Planning by JoE BAILEY. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1975. pp. 167. £4·25 (cloth), £1·95 (paperback), R.E. Pahl,
in Urban Studies
Book Review: Rothschild Buildings: Life in an East End Tenement Block, 1887-1920 by JERRY WHITE. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. 1980. pp. 301. £11.50 H/B; £6.95 P/B A Revolution in London Housing: LCC Housing Architects and Their Work, 1893-1914 by SUSAN BEATTIE. London: Greater London Council in association with The Architectural Press. 1980. pp. 127. £6.95, R.E. Pahl,
in Urban Studies
An emerging partnership: AFS and the CFP board, Dede Pahl,
in Financial Services Review
Foundation for Urban and Regional Studies (FURS): the first three years, Ray Pahl,
in International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
Market Success and Social Cohesion, Ray Pahl,
in International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
Registered author: Hanno Pahl
Information spillover in multiple zero-sum games, Lucas Pahl,
in International Journal of Game Theory
Keywords: Bayesian repeated games, Bayesian persuasion, Information spillover
Family finances, individualisation, spending patterns and access to credit, Jan Pahl,
in Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (formerly The Journal of Socio-Economics)
Information Spillover in Multiple Zero-sum Games, Lucas Pahl,
from arXiv.org
Couples and their money: patterns of accounting and accountability in the domestic economy, Jan Pahl,
in Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal
Rigid Flexibilities? - Work between Men and Women, Ray Pahl,
in Work, Employment & Society
Urban Social Theory and Research, R.E. Pahl,
in Environment and Planning A
Power, Ideology and Resources within Families: A Theoretical Context for Empirical Research on Sleep, Jan Pahl,
in Sociological Research Online
Keywords: Sleep; Money; Power; Ideology; Inequality; Resources; Theories
His money, her money: Recent research on financial organisation in marriage, Jan Pahl,
in Journal of Economic Psychology
Polytope-form games and Index/Degree Theories for Extensive-form games, Lucas Pahl,
from arXiv.org
Polytope-form games and index/degree theories for extensive-form games, Lucas Pahl,
in Games and Economic Behavior
Keywords: Game theory; Index theory; Structure of equilibria; Algebraic topology; Refinements of Nash equilibria;
Research Governance in Social Science and Social Care Research, Jan Pahl,
from eSocialSciences
Keywords: Research Governance; Social Science; Social Care Research; research; privacy; confidentiality; research staff; dissemination; research participants; Research Governance Framework for Health and Social Care
Managing a Business Unit in East Africa: Leadership and Cultural Mediation, David Pahl,
from Springer
Keywords: Leadership, Project business, Communication
A Systematic Literature Review of Self-Reported Smoking Cessation Counseling by Primary Care Physicians, Anna-Lena Bartsch, Martin Härter, Jasmin Niedrich, Anna Levke Brütt and Angela Buchholz,
Temperature and Sex Ratios at Birth, Jasmin Abdel Ghany, Joshua K. Wilde, Anna Dimitrova, Ridhi Kashyap and Raya Muttarak,
from Center for Open Science
Temperature and Sex Ratios at Birth, Jasmin Abdel Ghany, Joshua K. Wilde, Anna Dimitrova, Ridhi Kashyap and Raya Muttarak,
from Center for Open Science
Temperature and Sex Ratios at Birth, Jasmin Abdel Ghany, Joshua Wilde, Anna Dimitrova, Ridhi Kashyap and Raya Muttarak,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: sex ratios at birth, temperature, prenatal exposure, maternal health, abortion
5G-Medienproduktion, Stephan Böhm, Stefan Graser, Jasmin Ebert, Anna-Maria Zeussel and Peter Frantz,
from Springer
Adaptive and sustainable water management: from improved conceptual foundations to transformative change, Claudia Pahl-Wostl,
in International Journal of Water Resources Development
Erratum to: An Evolutionary Perspective on Water Governance: From Understanding to Transformation, Claudia Pahl-Wostl,
in Water Resources Management: An International Journal, Published for the European Water Resources Association (EWRA)
Does Jobless Mean Workless? Unemployment and Informal Work, Raymond E. Pahl,
in The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
An Evolutionary Perspective on Water Governance: From Understanding to Transformation, Claudia Pahl-Wostl,
in Water Resources Management: An International Journal, Published for the European Water Resources Association (EWRA)
Keywords: Water governance, Social learning, Sustainability transformation
Transitions towards adaptive management of water facing climate and global change, Claudia Pahl-Wostl,
in Water Resources Management: An International Journal, Published for the European Water Resources Association (EWRA)
Keywords: Adaptive water management, Social learning, Transition processes, Water management regimes, Global change,
A compilation of state mortgage broker laws and regulations, 1996-2006, Cynthia J. Pahl,
from Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Berufliche Aus- und Weiterbildung im Berufsbildungsgesamtsystem, Jörg-Peter Pahl,
from Springer
Entstehung und Entwicklung der Berufserziehung im Mittelalter, Jörg-Peter Pahl,
from Springer
Berufserziehung zu Beginn der Frühen Neuzeit, Jörg-Peter Pahl,
from Springer
Entwicklung der Berufserziehung im Absolutismus und in der Aufklärung – Das pädagogische Zeitalter, Jörg-Peter Pahl,
from Springer
Berufserziehung vom Ende des Heiligen Römischen Reiches Deutscher Nation bis zur Gründung des Zweiten Deutschen Kaiserreichs, Jörg-Peter Pahl,
from Springer
Berufserziehung im Zweiten Deutschen Kaiserreich, Jörg-Peter Pahl,
from Springer
Entwicklungen in der Weimarer Republik, Jörg-Peter Pahl,
from Springer
Erziehung in der Zeit der nationalsozialistischen Herrschaft, Jörg-Peter Pahl,
from Springer
Entwicklung der Erziehungskonzepte in Ost- und Westdeutschland, Jörg-Peter Pahl,
from Springer
Zeitgeschichtliche, gegenwärtige und zukünftige Perspektiven der beruflichen Aus- und Weiterbildung, Jörg-Peter Pahl,
from Springer
Gebäude berufsbildender Schulen und ihre Fassaden – Anmutung und Atmosphäre, Katja-Annika Pahl,
from Springer
EcR recruits dMi-2 and increases efficiency of dMi-2-mediated remodelling to constrain transcription of hormone-regulated genes, Judith Kreher, Kristina Kovač, Karim Bouazoune, Igor Mačinković, Anna Luise Ernst, Erik Engelen, Roman Pahl, Florian Finkernagel, Magdalena Murawska, Ikram Ullah and Alexander Brehm,
in Nature Communications
Ekonomske institucije: nacionalni i globalni efekti, Jasmin Halebic,
in Ekonomija Economics
Keywords: ekonomske institucije, ekonomski rast, koeficijent bogatstva, Bosna i Hercegovina, Hrvatska
Koliko košta ekonomski razvoj u Bosni i Hercegovini?, Jasmin Halebi?,
in Ekonomija Economics
Keywords: bilanca pla?anja, temeljni devizni transfer, deficit robne razmjene, Bosna i Hercegovina
Na putu ka Europskoj uniji – slu?aj Bosne i Hercegovine, Jasmin Halebi?,
in Ekonomija Economics
Keywords: konvergencija, gospodarski razvoj, Europska Unija, Bosna i Hercegovina
Consumer Bankruptcy Pathologies, Jasmin Gider,
in Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE)
Das Phänomen Sharing Economy am Beispiel des Foodsektors, Jasmin Schreyer,
from Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, Düsseldorf
Keywords: Sharing Economy, Foodsharing, Foodora, Nachhaltigkeit
Friedensverhandlungen auf den Philippinen: Wege aus der Sackgasse. Die Rolle nationaler Reformen für die Beendigung des Bürgerkrieges in Mindanao, Jasmin Lorch,
from Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), German Institute for International and Security Affairs
Bangladesch: Erfolge im Kampf gegen islamistische Militanz. Demokratie und Rechtsstaatlichkeit als Schutz gegen Radikalismus, Jasmin Lorch,
from Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), German Institute for International and Security Affairs
Peace talks in the Philippines: Ways out of the impasse, Jasmin Lorch,
from Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), German Institute for International and Security Affairs
Bangladesh: Successes in the fight against Islamist militancy. Democracy and the rule of law as a bulwark against radicalism, Jasmin Lorch,
from Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), German Institute for International and Security Affairs
Politischer Islam in Bangladesh: Wie die schwache Staatlichkeit und autoritäte Regierungführung islamistische Gruppierungen stärken, Jasmin Lorch,
from Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), German Institute for International and Security Affairs
Keywords: Bangladesch, Autoritäre Herrschaft
Registered author: Jasmin Joecks
Der Rückzug des UN Global Fund aus Myanmar: Chancen und Risiken humanitärer Hilfe im autoritären System, Jasmin Lorch,
in Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs
Myanmar – Ein Fall für den Sicherheitsrat?, Jasmin Lorch,
in Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs
Civil Society under Authoritarian Rule: The Case of Myanmar, Jasmin Lorch,
in Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs
Myanmar’s Civil Society – a Patch for the National Education System? The Emergence of Civil Society in Areas of State Weakness, Jasmin Lorch,
in Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs
The apocalyptics. Cancer and the big lie: by E. Efron Simon and Schuster, New York, 1984 589 pp, Claude Jasmin,
in Health Policy
Rethinking Japanese feminisms, Jasmin Rückert,
in Contemporary Japan
Patriots or World Citizens: The Identity of Post-Soviet People in a Globalised World, Jasmin Dall’Agnola,
in Europe-Asia Studies
Analysis of Developmental and Other Aspects of Investments in Research and Development of a Group of Countries in the Southeast Europe, Jasmin Komić,
in Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies
Let’s talk about researchers’ mental well-being, Jasmin Dall’Agnola,
in Central Asian Survey
Smartphones and public support for LGBTQ+ in Central Asia, Jasmin Dall’Agnola,
in Central Asian Survey
Florian Bieber: The Rise of Authoritarianism in the Western Balkans, Mujanović Jasmin,
in Comparative Southeast European Studies
The International Place Branding Association Conference (IPBA 2017) in Swansea, Wales, Jasmin Séra,
in Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
Multifactor Productivity Growth: Empirical Results for a Major United States Utility, Jasmin Ansar,
in Journal of Regulatory Economics
Unwin, A., Graphical Data Analysis with R, Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2015, 310 pp., £49.99, ISBN 978-1498715232, Jasmin Wachter,
in Statistical Papers
Decolonizing Digital Citizen Science: Applying the Bridge Framework for Climate Change Preparedness and Adaptation, Jasmin Bhawra,
in Societies
Keywords: decolonizing research; citizen science; digital health; health equity; data sovereignty; self-governance; indigenous health; two-eyed seeing; climate change; food security
Dynamisierung der Pflegeleistungen: Vergangenheit - Gegenwart - Zukunft, Jasmin Häcker,
from University of Freiburg, Research Center for Generational Contracts (FZG)
Keywords: Pflegeversicherung, Leistungsdynamisierung, Demographie
Deutschlands Nationale Sicherheitsstrategie aus entwicklungspolitischer Perspektive: Zielkonflikte thematisieren, Synergien stärken, Jasmin Lorch,
from German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), Bonn
Keywords: Sicherheit, Sicherheitspolitik, Entwicklungspolitik, Frieden, Demokratie, Autokratie, Prävention, Klimawandel, Ressourcen, Handel
Shared Perceptions of Green? The perception and acceptance of European Union values and rules in environmental policy in Jordan, Jasmin Gerau,
from Ruhr University Bochum, Institute of Development Research and Development Policy (IEE)
Keywords: Environmental policy, EU external governance, Normative Power Europe
Unterschiede effizienter Biogaserzeugung - wirtschaftliche und verfahrenstechnische Potenziale, Jasmin Becker,
from Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute, Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries
Dynamisierung der Pflegeleistungen: Vergangenheit, Gegenwart, Zukunft, Jasmin Häcker,
from Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Institut für Finanzwissenschaft
Keywords: Pflegeversicherung, Leistungsdynamisierung, Demographie
Sharing ≠ Sharing Economy: Ausprägungen der digitalen Sharing Economy im Lebensmittelsektor, Jasmin Schreyer,
from University of Stuttgart, Institute for Social Sciences, Department of Organizational Sociology and Innovation Studies
Climate Change and the Relocation of Population, Jasmin Gröschl,
from Verein für Socialpolitik / German Economic Association
Do SEC Detections Deter Insider Trading? Evidence from Earnings Announcements, Jasmin Gider,
from Verein für Socialpolitik / German Economic Association
Performance Testing in Beef Cattle Improvement Programmes, Jasmin Holness,
from Caribbean Food Crops Society
Keywords: Livestock Production/Industries, Productivity Analysis
Unterschiede effizienter Biogaserzeugung - wirtschaftliche und verfahrenstechnische Potenziale, Jasmin Becker,
from Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut (vTI), Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries
Keywords: Agribusiness
How language power, white subalternity and compressed modernity frame highly-skilled non-Western migrants in an East-German company: insights from multi-sited ethnography, Jasmin Mahadevan,
in Journal of Global Mobility
Keywords: Self-initiated expatriates, Whiteness, Cosmopolitanism, Integration, Global South, Highly-skilled migrants, East Germany, Compressed modernity, Language power, White subaltern
Multilingualism in Prizren, Language Use and Language Policy, Jasmin Jusufi,
in European Journal of Language and Literature Studies Articles
Keywords: Prizren, Kosovo, multilingualism, minority languages, language rights, language policy
First impression biases in the performing arts: taste-based discrimination and the value of blind auditioning, Jasmin Droege,
in Journal of Cultural Economics
Keywords: First impression, Bias, Blind audition, Taste-based discrimination, Performance uncertainty
The Handmade Effect: A Model of Conscious Shopping in an Industrialised Economy, Jasmin Droege,
in Review of Industrial Organization
Keywords: Conscious shopper, Handmade premium, Norm, Production, Signaling, Specialisation
in UTMS Journal of Economics
Keywords: multinational company; intra-company exchange; integration; intra-firm trade; foreign direct investment
Accommodating Purdah to the Workplace: Gender Relations in the Office Sector in Pakistan, Jasmin Mirza,
in The Pakistan Development Review
Free, full‐day programming for four‐year‐old children in Nova Scotia and women's labour market outcomes, Jasmin Thomas,
in Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique
Bosnia and Herzegovina’s eroding Dayton constitutional order, Jasmin Mujanović,
in SEER Journal for Labour and Social Affairs in Eastern Europe